Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Few Pics
Place, Div, No., Name, Age, Sex, City, State, Chiptime, Time, Pace
2196 181 1709 Kelly Jones 29 F Myrtle Beach SC 2:43:34 2:46:05 12:41
Although, we did stop to pee, so my real time on my watch excluding pee time was 2:40. They even gave me a medal.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!
My goal for the race was to finish in less than 3 hours... and I finished in 2:46 official time. Although we stopped to pee along mile 6 or so, so my actual watch time was more like 2:40. I was pretty proud of the day and really not all that sore. They are supposed to be emailing me if there are any pictures of me from the race. Hopefully one will turn up. Yes, I was an idiot and forgot a camera!! That's really all I got right now. My ankle is holding up and actually feeling better than it did after the 15K, who knew.
Next goal... A triathlon! Stay posted.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Stir it Up
Tonight, Heather and Chris are coming up to go to the Wailers concert at House of Blues. Should be an interesting night :) Tomorrow, I'm heading up to Durham to see Carrie, Andrea, and my Nana. Gotta get in some good times too.
So, only two weeks left till the Myrtle Beach half marathon. Say some prayers that my achilles starts to cooperate and that I'm able to do it all. I'm not trying to be superwoman, but runner-up would be nice. Feel free to come to the beach on Valentine's day (also known as St. Hallmark's Day) to cheer me on for the run. The more the merrier.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
What a Week
Last weekend we didn't run over the weekend because it was supposed to 17 that morning with who knows what kind of wind chill, so Heather and drove up to Durham to wish my Nana a happy birthday. It was a good weekend. Then Monday, I was so tired that I staying in my warm bed and skipped the workout. Yes, I was lazy and I know it. Then Tuesday was supposed to be cold and rainy/snowy, so I again stayed in my warm bed. Little did I know that Wednesday would be the coldest day yet. And as the crazy idiot that I can be, I went to boot camp in the freezing cold. I think that it was colder than last Friday, but thank goodness there was no wind. Thursday I again stayed in bed and slept but Friday I got up and we did the workout at broadway. Thought that you all might enjoy a picture from Friday morning of me and Guy.
Looks like that flat tire around my waist has moved right on down to my butt and now I have some junk in the trunk. Not sure where that ghetto-booty came from! :)
That brings us to Saturday! Three of us ran the North Myrtle Beach 15k at 9am in the rain. At least it was a little warmer... in 50's. Our goal was to finish the 9.3 miles in less than 2 hours, which we figured was a good mix of mostly running and some running. We ended up finishing in 1 hour and 49 minutes, which was a good bit faster than we hoped for, especially considering the rain. We ran the first two miles and then started a walk ~.15 mi and run the rest of the mile for the rest. Plus we walked through the water stations and had a snack on mile 5. I'm a little sore today but it was a good run. My achilles is bothering me today, which I was expecting. Hopefully it'll feel better tomorrow. Below is race # to prove that we did it! I was really hoping for #44 but 43 was pretty close :)
Today, I've been doing laundry all morning. I made some whole grain waffles this morning and now I have some homemade protein granola in the oven. Next I have the stuff ready to make some protein bread. This trying to watch what you eat takes some planning. Feeling like Suzy homemaker today! Till next time...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Alls I have to say is burrrrrr
One last bit of info that I must pass along is that at this current moment, Clemson is #1 in the ACC and Duke is right behind with Wake. Hmmmm... where is that all powerful, can't be defeated, all-hailed UNC team that features Tyra H as their center???? Oh, it's not Tyra, it's Tyler. My mistake. He just reminds me so much a prissy girl with pink cargyle socks and a look on his face that says, "Oops, I did it again."
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Return of American Idol
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Time flies by and so do most resolutions