Monday, August 11, 2008

Day One Begins


I got up this morning at 4:10 am, got dressed, drove to boot camp, and proceeded to work out for an hour and half. I couldn't stop yawning until we started running. Here's the breakdown of the workout....

Jumping jacks, jump rope, run 1.5 miles. Start lifting arms... which means lots of pushups, bench presses, flys, jumping, squats, crunches and leg lifts with the exercise ball. Finally we ran another 1.1 mile. Oh yeah, and we ran 1/4 mile in the middle of all the lifting.

Then I sprinted home, took a 5 min shower, and got to work. This was a long day, but pretty good overall. I'm pretty tired now and will probably go to bed early again. I'll keep you posted on how sore I am tomorrw. I'm hungry, so I'm off to grab some food. (Of course now I have to start dieting too....)

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the hard work. We are very proud of you. Mom & Dad
