Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day Two: And the rain shall come...

I was told on day one that we would meet for boot camp rain or shine. This seems a little funny to me, seeing that we meet before the sun even rises!! But, he was very right when he said that we would be meeting in the rain. And rain it did. We started out in the parking garage and did exercises there first. We did 5 sets of 10-15 reps each of jumping jacks, pushups, squats, static lunges, burpees (where you start staninding, do a pushup, then jump up again), running in a pushup position, and last but not least running up to the next level of the garage. After all of that, we ran down the garage back to the first level and proceeded to lift weights there. We did more squats, military presses, bicep curls, and triceps. Then we ran in the rain for over a mile. Oh yeah, I forgot about the challenge after all that weight lifting. He chose two of us (and yes, he chose me) to challenge each other to a duel to see who could do the most standing military presses. This other girl and I did it for several minutes before he finally called it a tie. My shoulders are still shaking from that, and maybe from the 30 min (100 lap) swim in my pool on Tuesday afternoon. Or maybe it's all the whirlpools I've been doing at work lately. At any rate, I wasn't too terribly sore after the first day, but I'm pretty sore and tired now. Not to mention that today wrapped up 10 days in a row at work. Tomorrow is my last day this week and then I get a four day weekend. Oh well that I still am getting up at 4:15 am on my two days off of work :) I'll let you know if I'm able to roll out of bed tomorrow. I'm predicting soreness! At least I've been sticking to my diet.

Mom, hope that you feel better. Happy birthday Uncle Jimmy. And, Carrie, have fun moving in!!!! (Even if you are at that other school in North Carolina!) Don't stress too much, and have a great time. College is way more fun than the working world, so stay there as long as you can... I sure tried ;)

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